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To produce life-long learners, we need to show our children that
learning is not just something that they get graded on or that only happens
during certain hours of the day or certain times of the year. We need to help
them hang on to the natural joy of learning that every child is born with, to
help them see that learning new things is fun, and to help them realize that
learning can take place anywhere and at anytime.
Our family has put together this catalog of books, games and
other materials to help you in your efforts to produce life-long learners. Good
luck and remember to have FUN!
I love your catalog - hard to hold myself back
from ordering way too much stuff!
F.L. in CA
Thank you for your fantastic service and
wonderful products! We not only use your products for our homeschooling needs,
your catalogue is the first I turn to for any type of gift. Many of my friends
have loved getting the catalogue as much as their children have enjoyed the
gifts. It is a great alternative to more toys that are lost in the shuffle!
P.B. in NV
Maybe one day we'll win the lottery and I can
say "FUN Books, send me one of everything in your catalog!"
G.W. in VA
Note to G.W. (and any other lottery winners out
there), if you order one of everything from our catalog, you will get free
shipping and qualify for special discounts!
" . . . [The book] is practical, easy to handle, economical. It does not
require any particular technological prowess, and keeps well in any climate."
-J.M.G. Le Clézio (2008 winner of the Nobel Prize in Literature)

Click on the images below to learn more about the following recommended resources:

When you are ready to browse our catalog, click
here or choose from the navigation buttons on the