Best Loved Stories in Song and Dance
(Jim Weiss) -Through story and song,
Jim Weiss tells the
stories of The Twelve Dancing Princesses (Grimm), Snow White and Rose Red
(Grimm) and The Sleeping Beauty (Perrault). Also featured are a waltz
and a minuet song.
Adventure and romance abound along with
a deeper understanding of the worth of the characters' journeys. Includes music for
dancing. Makes a great gift for the ballerinas in your life. Adults will enjoy revisiting their favorite stories too.
Ages 5 to adult.
CD: #3444 $14.99 $12.99
Five Little Dover Books:
Fun with Ballet Stencils, Ballet Stained
Glass Coloring Book, Twelve Ballet Bookmarks, Degas Ballet Dancers
Cards, and Nutcracker Stickers.
#FUN15R $7.50
A Coloring Book of Great Dancers (Bellerophon). A history of
dance and dancers, with a portrait of each great dancer in their greatest role,
accompanied by one to two pages of text. Includes Baryshnikov, Makarova,
Nureyev, Nijinsky, and 14 others.
Paper, 48 pages.
#0652 $4.95