Frequently Asked Questions (Wildridge
How long does it take to complete the programs?
Within the student guide there are 6-8 assignments comprised of readings,
hands-on projects, vocabulary, questions, reports, multimedia programs and
It is difficult to assess how each individual will progress through the program,
but on average it should take one half school year to complete. (This assumes 1
hour each day during the week.)
We hope that the programs inspire students to do additional research in areas of
interest to them. Some of the web links will give students more exposure to the
field of study and provide them with many activities.
How many students can use the program at once?
Each single version CD-ROM is intended to be installed on one computer. You can
print out as many copies of the text, student guide and teacher guide as
necessary. Only one student can use the program on a computer at one time, but
the program can handle as many student entries as needed and will track each
student's scores. Labpacks and volume pricing options are available for schools.
Can I, as the parent/teacher, check on student scores?
Yes, there is a special password in the teacher guide that allows you to view
the progress reports of all your students. You can edit, give feedback or print
out the individual progress reports.
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Does the student get feedback when taking the tests?
Yes, all of the tests or challenges have instant analysis. If the student enters
the correct response, the narrator will respond positively. If an incorrect
answer is entered, the correct answer and explanation are given.
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How does the program take advantage of the World Wide Web?
Within the program is a Web link icon that automatically connects the
user to the Wildridge Software Web site where they can connect to links
available for the CD-ROM unit study being used. The pre-designated links have
been chosen to allow students to explore a particular subject area in more
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What advantage does a computer have over a book?
Books work well for reading English or history. Many basic ideas
necessary for understanding mathematics and science are more easily understood
when explained by animated images. This is why A Bigger World utilizes both the
printed word and the animated image of the computer to teach a variety of
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Can students do this by themselves?
They certainly can. The assignment checklist in the student guide will
direct them through the course. However, it is highly suggested that when
discussion questions are posed to the student that it is beneficial to also have
an adult perspective.
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What are the goals of A Bigger World?
Children are blessed with an innate curiosity about the world that surrounds
them. If by their teen years they are not divorced from nature by contrived
science kits and revised history, they may develop their curiosity into the
intellect that characterizes the mature adult. A Bigger World is designed to
inspire young people and their parents to find in the world about them the
stimulus to nurture that intellectual development.
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What do I do if I, the parent/teacher, do not remember or understand the
material presented in the program?
You, as a parent, should go through the program before you use it with your
student. If you have thought about the discussion questions, then you can better
direct your student. The teacher guide will have the answers to all the
questions posed to the student and also provide you with further background
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