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Archimedes and the Door of Science
by Jeanne Bendick. Our children have always been fascinated by Greek mythology and history, so they are quite curious about all aspects of that time period. This book offered them an interesting look into the life of Archimedes, as well as plenty of examples and illustrations of the scientist's experiments and theories.

Even though the reading level is for an older child, the one most interested in this book was our daughter (she was 7 when I read it to her). As she put it, she was "wild about Archimedes," and she enjoyed trying out some of the experiments herself. At just the right time, Jim Weiss' Galileo and the Stargazers came out, and her interest was expanded when she was able to listen to stories about other famous scientists.

Ages 8-12. Paper, 142. 

#7124 $13.95


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